Above All, Save The Relationship.
We help you recover assets, collect missed payments, and above all save customer relationships.
Case Studies
Equipment Recovery
Cox Communications

Until 2019 COX was handling their own equipment recovery initiatives internally. They believed that door-to-door contact was the best way to recover equipment.
The process was working OK. Then they gave Complete Recovery a few small markets to test with a pilot program. Because our multi point-of-contact process made things so much simpler, we saved them 40% over their door-to-door efforts while at the same time we collected more equipment than they had been getting before.
Boom. Mic drop. The pilot program proved so successful, COX now has Complete Recovery handle their equipment recovery account nationwide.
Equipment Recovery

Let’s go back to 2020. COVID-19 hits sending a global workforce home. Suddenly everyone needs high-speed Internet because work, school, and entertainment is all happening at home.
Comcast has a huge opportunity to grow their client base if they can somehow keep inventory high. Technology shortages make new equipment scanty, but millions of dollars worth of equipment sits unused in current and former client homes.
On behalf of Comcast, Complete Recovery orchestrates the return of more than 2 million modems allowing Comcast to turn the global crisis into a universal opportunity.
Customer Retention

Vio Security Systems had a bit of a challenge. They were losing customers to new Do-It-Yourself home security camera package kits as well as to lower-priced competitors.
When customers called to cancel, Vio did their best to keep customers from leaving by offering discounts or restructuring contract options, but they knew more could be done to save subscribers so they outsourced their retention program to Complete Recovery.
Acting as an extension of Vio (meaning we could offer the same discounts and incentives), our Complete Recovery callers ended up saving 20% more customers and at higher monthly recurring revenue than they were doing internally.
Our secret is a human connection.
Customers want humanity. They want someone to listen to them. They want to feel heard. At Complete Recovery our approach focuses on the individual.
While there are certain things we’re obligated to say in our call centers, we don’t rely on scripts. There’s no memorized one-way dialogue. Instead we train our employees to listen and use empathy.
Along with using our fully trained call centers, when we’re reaching out to recover equipment, we make multiple points of contact through email, voicemail, texts, and even postcards and letters. We recover a lot of equipment and in the process save many relationships.
How We Do It

Maximum Value
28% of Americans have a least one debt in collections first-party Collections
Greater than 80% of equipment asset value can be recovered with asset reuse
of customers will tell friends and family about a brand they’re loyal to
The average American company loses 20-40% of its customers each year
Customers with an emotional connection to a brand will have a 306% higher lifetime value
Increasing customer retention by 5% results in a minimum 25% increase in profit
62% of customers prefer human-to-human interactions when dealing with issues
The probability of selling something to an existing customer is 60-70%
Watch: Business Value
More than one billion dollars in resolved client assets.
Let’s explore what we can do for your company
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Start saving your client relationships.
Give us a call.
1065 Levoy Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84123